
Hiring Manager in Germany English-Speaking Jobs
What Does A Hiring Manager Look For?

Read about a Director of Sales; Hiring Manager and Former Client of Immigrant Spirit. How did he find a job, and what does he look for now, as a hiring manager?

Persistence + Analysis in your job hunt English speaking jobs Germany
Persistence + Analysis

I was looking back into the archive of Immigrant Spirit and found a cool story to share with you about a past client.

The Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany
YouTube Webinar: Spring 2024

We are 1.5 months through the Expats Job Miracle Program, and one member already got his job offer and decided to accept it last week!

What’s going on in Germany?

There are a lot of layoffs happening right now.

However, this means that there are a lot of job openings as well.

How bad do you want it?

I read through all of your emails from two weeks ago. I received over 100 and I responded to those I could.

After I read your responses, I realized one thing.

What’s your biggest problem?

I want to hear from you today.

What is your biggest problem or challenge you are facing with regards to finding a job in Germany?